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May 2023 HOA Meeting

C Aicher • May 20, 2023

The Reserve at Walnut Ridge 
May 2023
HOA Monthly Meeting Agenda

Location: Nicks house
1. Call to order 
2. Roll call and quorum determination 
Attendance: Bob, Nick, Edgar, Katie, Cyndie
3. Report of Officers and Committees 
A. Treasurer's Report: presented by Bob
     a. Money minder not working - Bob getting with TFC to fix     
     b. All fraud charges have been refunded and a new card activated; waiting for additional card in Katie's name to come in mail
B. Architectural Committee: presented by 
     a. nothing new to report
C. Projects and Maintenance Committee: presented by 
     a. sod, lights, flowers, utilities cover - $2011.00; Nick to gather all receipts and send to TFC
    b. Common area to be mowed by Nick for $50 each time for the duration of the summer. He will also purchase weed killer and fertilizer as needed and send bills to TFC
D. Social Committee by Cyndie 
    a. Neighborhood egg hunt completed
E. Next meeting: June 4th at 5pm
    a. Skipping July meeting due to holiday
4. Actions item review  
a. HOA board training Monday May 22nd, confirm with TFC
b. Determine P&P date with TFC
c. Mailing for outstanding dues with accrued fees to be sent by TFC
5. Adjourn

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