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June 2023 Agenda

Cyndie Aicher • June 1, 2023

June 2023 HOA Agenda
*subject to revision prior to meeting*

The Reserve at Walnut Ridge
June 2023
HOA Monthly Meeting Agenda

Location: Cyndie’s house
1. Call to order
2. Roll call and quorum determination
3. Report of Officers and Committees
A. Treasurer's Report: presented by
a. Money minder not working - Bob getting with TFC 
B. Architectural Committee: presented by
C. Projects and Maintenance Committee: presented by
D. Social Committee by
E. Next meeting: 
a. Skipping July meeting due to holiday
4. Old Business 
A. HOA board training Monday May 22nd, confirm with TFC
B. Determine P&P date with TFC
C. Mailing for outstanding dues with accrued fees to be sent by TFC
5. Action Items
6. Adjourn

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