The Reserve at Walnut Ridge
June 2023
HOA Monthly Meeting Minutes
Location: Cyndie's house
1. Call to order
2. Roll call and quorum determination
Attendance: Bob, Nick, Edgar, Katie, Cyndie, +1 resident
3. Report of Officers and Committees
A. Treasurer's Report: presented by Bob
a. Money minder now working
b. no debit card yet; possibly forgo getting 2nd
B. Architectural Committee: presented by Bob
a. one request submitted Friday, yet to be approved
C. Projects and Maintenance Committee: presented by Nick
a. throwing around grass idea for island area (ends that did not get sod
b. Brain and Nick waiting on payment via check for work completed
D. Social Committee by Cyndie
a. Nothing to report
E. Next meeting: Sunday, August 6th at 5pm
a. Cyndie to possibly host, if weather allows
b. Skipping July meeting due to holiday
4. Old business:
A. Board meeting training completed
B. Policy and Procedure Committee (P&P)
- meet Saturday, June 17th @9a
- have ready by August to vote on by residents present at meeting
5. Actions items:
A. Sara resigned from HOA; leaves position of Communications open
a. Cyndie will absorb responsibilities and post meeting/HOA information on FB and web page
i. post June meeting for P&P on FB and web
B. Bob will
a. follow up with Money Minder to make sure it is up to date
b. follow up with letter for outstanding dues
i. request list of unpaid residents to follow up with letter
ii. how many have paid since last mailing went out
c. look into availability of Del City Community Center room
C. Nick will
a. inquire about Acknowledgement Form for working on front entrance, liability and payment of work provided
D. Katie will
a. get with Rebecca and request signed document for Pond area
6. New business
A. Annual Meeting tentative for Sept 28th @7 if site is available.
7. Adjourn