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May HOA Agenda

Cyndie Aicher • May 10, 2023

April HOA meeting rescheduled for May
Agenda is subject to updates before meeting

The Reserve at Walnut Ridge 
May 2023
HOA Monthly Meeting Agenda
1. Call to order 

2. Roll call and quorum determination 

3. Approval of agenda: 

4. Reading of minutes from prior board meeting: completed by 

5. Report of Officers and Committees 
A. Treasurer's Report: presented by 
B. Architectural Committee: presented by 
C. Projects and Maintenance Committee: presented by 
a. Pending projects TBC: 
1. during Phase 1 two sprinklers damage 
2. locate sprinkler zones 
b. bid for lawn care placed on hold while work on entry area completed 
D. Social Committee by Cyndie 
a. Cyndie to look into Easter activities 

6. Old Business 
A. Actions item review  
a. Katie will reach out to Rebecca for advice on erosion where the street needs repaired to see if city can be held responsible - partial completed; follow up with erosion 
b. post Covenants on web site and FB
B. Beginning discussions of Policies and Procedures: 
a. create committee
C. Road repair 

7. New Business 
A. Proposed new business 
a. Pond in subdivision and upkeep; resident to sign agreement for maintenance of pond - no agreement met yet; Work in Progress
B. Action Items to review 
a. Nick to advise on progress/options for front entryway - 
1. Phase 1 completed; waiting for sprinkler locations 
b. Katie to research Policy and Procedure template to be provided by THE FIRM 
 C. Action items for next month 
a. Bob to follow up with The Firm on card replacement 
b. add Bob and Katie for account access 
c. Katie to follow up on insurance paid 
d. Katie to request pros and cons for creating a saving account (fees, min balance) 
e. TCF to mail out reminder for HOA dues 
f. Sara to post on FB for fees owed 
g. Cyndie to add covenants to website, Sara to add to FB along with link to website 
h. Katie to reach out to Rebecca for new board training - possibly March 
i. Cyndie to create calendar and post all pending meetings 

8. Adjourn
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