The Reserve at Walnut Ridge
January 8, 2023
HOA Monthly Meeting
Location: Isenhour shop @ 5pm
1. Call to order
2. Roll call and quorum determination
3. Approval of agenda:
4. Reading of minutes from prior board meeting: completed by
5. Report of Officers and Committees
A. Treasurer's Report:
B. Architectural Committee
C. Projects and Maintenance Committee
a. Pending projects TBC:
D. Social Committee
6. Old Business
A. Actions item review
a. Katie will report pot holes and road repair for corner of Morning Song and SE 70th to the city
b. Katie will reach out to Rebecca for advice on erosion where street was repaired to see if city can be held responsible
c. Katie will reach out to Rebecca for timeline on final covenants and results of the vote
d. Sarah will make a post on FB with a survey/post regarding who would like s to purchase business acct for Zoom vs not holding virtual meetings
e. Kyle will reach out to April/Brian regarding quote for front entrance
B. Covenants Revision/update:
a. Covenant Voting Results:
b. Beginning discussions of Policies and Procedures:
C. Road repair
a. Erosion/street repair on Ridge Manor:
7. New Business
A. Proposed new business
B. Action Items
8. Adjournment
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