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January 10, 2021 Board Meeting Minutes

Timothy Geene • January 30, 2021

    • Libby Glancy
    • Katie Patterson
    • Jessica Tinsley
    • Timothy Geene
    • Caleb Murphy

Summary of Discussion:
Reading of minutes delayed while secretary recovers the file.  Minutes are approved as read.

Report from Officers

Libby review action to get TCF on contract and get letters out.  Letter expected by the end of the week.

Katie reviewed that TCF will pay the annual premium insurance.

New Action: Katie will ensure that insurance will be initiated

Jessica reviewed the letter for the Smith and initial letters to be sent by TCF.  Letters will go out once TFC receives what they expect.

Tim had not new report out.

Caleb recommends breaking up the improvement for the front area in the spring starting with the front.  

Libby reported on the streetlights.  The HOA is no longer renting the lights.  Action is closed.

Unfinished Business.

General consensus is that there is no objection to the changes.  Caleb states that some of the neighborhood may take issue.

New Action: Schedule meeting with Rebecca to discuss the changes to the by-laws.  Possible topic for discussion at March meeting.

New Business

Katie will go by no swimming signs after being prompted by the insurance company.  Jessica offered to get some signs.

Starting thinking about spring social event and cleaning events.  Plan to discuss dates next month.

Libby reviewed that anyone has paid directly for an HOA expense to send TCF an email detailing the cost so the board can review and approve the payment.

Discussion regarding meeting schedule.  Plan is to schedule the meeting on the first Sunday of each month at 6:00 PM.  Notice will be on website and Katie will get a sign made for the entrance.

Plan on the walking meeting next week at 2:00 PM, February 7, 2020 meet at Jessica’s house.

Default location will be Jessica’s house and Zoom will be available.

Sign needs to be posted by January 27th.  

New Action: Jessica will make a new meeting notice sign.

Libby declared the meeting adjorned.

Number Owner Due Action
1 All October 14, 2020 Closed
2 Jessica Tinsley October 18, 2020 Closed
3 Libby Glancy October 18, 2020 Closed
4 Caleb Murphy October 18, 2020 Closed
5 Caleb Murphy October 18, 2020 Meet with the city engineer to receive results of city survey of common areas (alternate is Jessica Tinsley)
6 Timothy Geene October 18, 2020 Closed
7 Katie Patterson October 18, 2020 Closed
8 Katie Patterson October 18, 2020 Closed
9 Libby Glancy October 18, 2020 Closed
10 Libby Glancy November 15, 2020 Closed
11 Libby Glancy December 13, 2020 Address fee for street lights
12 Katie Patterson January 10, 2021 Ensure that insurance will be initiated
13 Libby Glancy January 10, 2021 Schedule meeting with Rebecca to discuss the changes to the by-laws. Possible topic for discussion at March meeting.
14 Jessica Tinsley January 10, 2021 Make a new meeting notice sign.
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