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February 7, 2021 Board Meeting Minutes

Timothy Geene • March 8, 2021


7 Feb 2021

Board Meeting

Meeting Date: 7 February 2021
Meeting Location: 14030 SE 73rd ST

  1.  Call to order
  2. Reading of Bylaw 3.15

Libby read the Bylaw section 3.15.

  1. Roll call and quorum determination


   • Libby Glancy

   • Katie Patterson

   • Jessica Tinsley

   • Timothy Geene

   • Caleb Murphy

  1. Approval of agenda

Tim reviewed the agenda. Approved.

  1. Reading of Minutes from prior board meeting (HOA-2021-0001)

Tim reviewed the minutes. Approved.

  1.  Report of Officers and Committees

Jessica reviewed financials. Need to pay management company. Insurance is started and paid. Signs were purchased and set up.

Caleb reviews projects status. He will get quotes in spring for updating the entrance. 

  1. Old Business
  2. Actions item review
  3. No update regarding action 5, meeting with the city. Action remains open.
  4. Action 11 – Action closed. Fees removed.
  5. Action 12 – Action closed. Insurance initiated.
  6. Action 13 – Remains open for March meeting.
  7. Action 14 – Action closed. Signs are up.
  8. Spring Social/Clean up Event – setup plans for social in March
  9. Bylaw and CC&R review

Board needs to setup a meeting with TCF to review covenants regarding changes to the CC&R or bylaws as well as policies the HOA needs to adopt.

  1. Reschedule walking Executive Session

Meeting scheduled for 2:00 PM, February 28, 2021, meet at Jessica.

  1. New Business
  2. Initiate HOA committees (architectural, common area maintenance, and social

Libby proposes that a Board member be a co-chair of the committee. Board concurs.

Proposed Caleb for common area maintenance.

Proposed Katie for architecture committee. Libby will also be on the committee.

Proposed Jessica for social committee. Tim will also be on the committee.

Action 15: All board members to start recruiting for committees.

Action 16: Question for TCF for printing.

  1. Communication process
  2. Electronic consent forms

We have only received 11 responses. 

Action 17: Tim will make another Facebook reminder and attach the blank form.

Action 18: Tim will walk around and contact those who have not submitted the form.

  1. HOA suggestion box

Plan is to propose using the website for a virtual suggestion box.

Action 19: Katie will make a Facebook post directing residence to the website.

  1. Other

Action 20: Jessica to review website.

Board approved moving to 1 year contract on website.

The HOA has only received 1 piece of mail in the mailbox.

  1. Items from TCF email

Libby reviewed email from TCF. Need to give TCF permission to withdraw funds to pay expenses. OG&E charged a one-time deposit fee when opening the account. Approved unanimous.

  1. Proposed new business.

Delivery of insurance paperwork to TCF. 

Action 17: Jessica to deliver papers to TCF to be added to repository.

Questions from non-board members:

·        Where can a resident get information about the actions taken by the board?

o  The website has all of the posts

·        What can a resident do during a board meeting?

o  The board meeting is to allow the board to work on actions and the needs of the HOA. The HOA will hold a annual meeting for all members to participate in and the members are welcome to attend the board meeting but are asked to keep comments until the end.

·        After the walkaround create a list of offenses, what can be grandfathered, what is unacceptable.

  1. Adjournment

Meeting adjourned.


Number Owner Due Action
1 All October 14, 2020 Closed
2 Jessica Tinsley October 18, 2020 Closed
3 Libby Glancy October 18, 2020 Closed
4 Caleb Murphy October 18, 2020 Closed
5 Caleb Murphy October 18, 2020 Meet with the city engineer to receive results of city survey of common areas (alternate is Jessica Tinsley)
6 Timothy Geene October 18, 2020 Closed
7 Katie Patterson October 18, 2020 Closed
8 Katie Patterson October 18, 2020 Closed
9 Libby Glancy October 18, 2020 Closed
10 Libby Glancy November 15, 2020 Closed
11 Libby Glancy December 13, 2020 Closed
12 Katie Patterson January 10, 2021 Closed
13 Libby Glancy January 10, 2021 Schedule meeting with Rebecca to discuss the changes to the by-laws. Possible topic for discussion at March meeting.
14 Jessica Tinsley January 10, 2021 Closed
15 All committee members March 7, 2021 All board members to start recruiting for committees
16 Libby March 7, 2021 Ask TCF about printing (invites, business cards, letter head)
17 Tim March 7, 2021 Facebook post remining homeowners of electronic consent forms
18 Tim March 7, 2021 Walk around and try to get more electronic consent forms signed
19 Katie March 7, 2021 Facebook post directing residences to the website regarding virtual suggestion box
20 Jessica March 7, 2021 Review website and suggest updates
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