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Notices of Board Meetings Agenda 7 March 2021

Timothy Geene • March 7, 2021

Date: 7 March  2021

Meeting Date: 7 March 2021

Meeting Location: 14030 SE 73rd ST

  1.  Call to order
    1. Reading of Bylaw 3.15
  2. Roll call and quorum determination
  3. Approval of agenda
  4. Reading of Minutes from prior board meeting (HOA-2021-0001)
  5.  Report of Officers and Committees
    1. Treasurer's Report
    2. Architectural Committee
    3. Projects and Maintenance Committee
    4. Social Committee
  6. Old Business
    1. Actions item review
    2. Spring Social/Clean up Event
    3. Bylaw and CC&R review
    4.  Walking Executive Session
    5. Meeting with Community Firm
  7. New Business
    1. Proposed new business
  8. Adjournment

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