1. Call to order
1. Reading of Bylaw 3.15
2. Roll call and quorum determination
Bob (arrived after late fee vote)
3. Approval of agenda
Approval of agenda
4. Reading of Minutes from prior board meeting
Approval of minutes
5. Report of Officers and Committees
1. Treasurer's Report
Reviewed Balance, bills paid, landscaping invoice, unpaid fees
2. Architectural Committee
No outstanding approvals, request for variance, 2 approvals
3. Projects and Maintenance Committee
No updates, waiting for good weather to install electrical. Waiting till next month to join the landscape committee
4. Social Committee
Making arrangements firetruck coming out in spring and Easter egg hunt.
6. Old Business
1. Actions item review
Defered for this month
2. Bylaw updates
Recap: Vote ended on December 5th. All but 5 sections passed. 4 sections are 2 votes short. 1 that was X votes short. Option is to retain old sections or move to the covenant votes.
In interim document added language from covenant document. This was done for clarity
Motion: Katie, second: Jessica
Libby, Jessica, Katie, Kyle, and Tim vote to return to language from old documents
3. Dues and Fees for 2022 FY
Insurance update, effective January 19, 2022 with $1000 deductible
TFC - $441
Software $230
Insurance $1395
Taxes - $25
Landscaping - $250/mo=$3000
Entrance $100
Electricity $660
website - $84
Social committee - $500
Meeting - $600
Reserve - $3484
Total - $8035 ($11,519 w/reserve) ($239.98)
Motion: Katie, second: Jessica
Libby, Jessica, Katie, Kyle, and Tim vote to approve budget
Reviewed TCF guidance
One community feedback of using collections
Proposal, April $25 late fee, $5 per month fee, after 12 months 10% interest
Board can vote to suspend fees for cause
Motion: Jessica, Second: Kyle
Libby, Jessica, Katie, Kyle, and Tim vote to approve late fees
Ask TCF to provide a draft of dues letters
Propose that concurrence of 3 board members are sufficient to proceed with dues letters
7. New Business
1. Proposed new business
ACTION to Kyle to ask the community about street lights
Board members
Board member resigned
Ask the neighborhood to see if anyone is interested in joining
Action: Libby will ask Edger if he wants to join otherwise ask the community
CC&R Committee
Work with TCF to draft CC&R
Board with advice but not actively participate
Look to have a few Realtors to advise
Reference city code where possible for definitions
8. Adjournment
Katie moves to adjourn
All adjourned
OPEN Action Items:
2022 Actions:
ACTION #1 - to Kyle to ask the community about street lights
ACTION #2 - Libby will ask Edger if he wants to join otherwise ask the community