1. Call to order
2. Roll call and quorum determination
3. Approval of agenda
approved by all
4. Reading of Minutes from prior board meeting
approved by all
5. Report of Officers and Committees
1. Treasurer's Report
Review of balance
Review of bills
Review if dues
No late fee for those who did not pay processing fee
Administrative charge for unpaid processing fees
2. Architectural Committee
no report
3. Projects and Maintenance Committee
Landscape committee is started
4. Social Committee
looking to have easter egg hunt
Libby volunteers her yard
Tim and Libby have plastic eggs if anyone needs them
6. Old Business
1. Actions item review
#3 - closed
#6 - closed
#7 - open
2. covenants revisions
Two volunteers
Suggesting 10th or 24th for meeting
3. Dues and Fees for 2022 FY
7. New Business
1. Proposed new business
Skip May and July board meetings
ACTION - cancel May and July meetings, post on website and Facebook group
8. Adjournment