Sept 2023
Location: Katies home
1. Call to order
2. Roll call and quorum determination
Attendance: Bob, Katie, Cyndie +1 resident
3. Report of Officers and Committees
A. Treasurer's Report: presented by Bob
a. outstanding dues
B. Architectural Committee: presented by Bob
a. no new requests received
b. need to schedule a meeting for Architectural P&P
C. Projects and Maintenance Committee: presented by
a. touch base with NIck to get updates on tasks he was working on prior to his resignation with front common area
D. Social Committee presented by Cyndie
a. Neighborhood Night Out scheduled for Tues Sept 12, weather permitting
E. Next meeting:
a. Sunday, October 8 @ 5
4. Old business:
A. Katie to advise on quotes received for lawn maintenance
B. Policy and Procedure(P&P) for Architectural Committee
C. Katie will touch base with Rebecca to request signed document for pond area
5. Actions items:
A. Nick resigned; remove email from web page
B. Update/remove Katie walnut ridge email on web page
6. New business
A. Replace open HOA position
B. Homeowner in attendance expressed interest for open position
7. Adjourn