Location: 7224 Ridge Manor Ln, Shop Bldg
1. Call to order on October 2, 2022
2. Roll call and quorum determination
3. Approval of agenda
4. Reading of Minutes from prior board meeting
5. Report of Officers and Committees
1. Treasurer's Report
Bob reviewed report
Report of balance Approx.
Report of expenses
Due Report
Transactions fees
2. Architectural Committee
Katie Review committee report
Nothing to report
Nothing received
3. Projects and Maintenance Committee
Kyle reviewed committee report
Noted that Bob painted entrance sign, and found sprinkler heads near sign
Kyle plans to meet with contractor for entry way soon
4. Social Committee
Nothing to report
Community member offered idea about decoration entrance with pumpkins decorated by neighborhood kids such as pumpkin or costume contest with prizes.
6. Old Business
1. Actions item review -None
2. Covenants Revision: Extend due date from 9th of October to the 16th
7. New Business
1. New officer positions were voted on by board members
President: Katie Patterson
Vice P: Edgar Gaytan
Treasure: Bob Lewis
Secretary: Cyndie Aicher
Communications: Sarah Coquat
2. Request for official HOA email set up
Bob, Cyndie, Nick, Edgar; Katie P requested an update to hers
8. Adjournment