Date: November 6, 2022 @ 5pm
Location: Isenhour shop on Ridge Manor Ln
1. Call to order: HOA Pres Katie
2. Roll call and quorum determination
Attendance: Nick, Sarah, Bob, Kyle, Edgar, Cyndie, Katie, +1 resident
Zoom log in: 1 resident
3. Approval of agenda: approved
4. Reading of minutes from prior board meeting: Cyndie
5. Report of Officers and Committees
A. Treasurer's Report:
Presented by: Bob
Report start of balance
Report of expenses
Report of end of balance
B. Architectural Committee
Presented by: Bob
No pending requests
No new requests
C. Projects and Maintenance Committee
Presented by: Kyle
Pending projects:
Landscaping: waiting for quotes on supplies for first phase of entry area
D. Social Committee
Presented by: Sarah
Committee not able to decorate for Halloween, next holiday to celebrate is Christmas. Put up lights for entrance, house decorating contest, possible Secret Snowflake Gifts for residents
6. Old Business
A. Actions item review:
a. Cyndie to create new emails: closed
b. Extended voting: closed
c. Covenants Revision/update: closed
7. New Business
A. Proposed new business
1. Covenant Voting Results: 75% needed to pass – min met
a. The following did NOT pass:
2.03 Outbuildings F
2.04 Fencing B and D
3.02 Vehicles C
3.04 Yards B (50/50 split – under review)
3.06 Swimming Pools, Hot Tubs and Similar Products C, D, and E
4.02 Control of Common Area and Association Property A
6.02 Speech and Displays B
7.02 Procedures for Architectural Review E
REQUESTING CLARIFICATION ON 50/50 items and final document
2. Beginning discussions of Policies and Procedures:
Email, mail and post on social media notifying residents of P&P; when the filed document is available, the link will be provided to HO for viewing
3. Erosion/street repair on Ridge Manor: city repaired road, city states erosion is not city responsibility but homeowner, meet with HO to start conversation about fixing street/area for houses effected
4. TCF Contract Renewal discussion: No changes in fees: approved for Oct to Oct 2023
5. Zoom options:
Poll homeowners to see if there is any interest for participation in zoom meeting. There are 2 options
1. Estimate of $150 per yr
2. Monthly fee
B. Action items:
1. Katie will report pot holes and road repair for corner of Morning Song and SE 70th to the city
2. Katie will reach out to Rebecca for advice on erosion where street was repaired to see if city can be held responsible
3. Katie will reach out to Rebecca for timeline on final covenants and results of the vote
4. Sarah will make a post on FB with a survey/post regarding who would like s to purchase business acct for Zoom vs not holding virtual meetings
5. Kyle will reach out to April/Brian regarding quote for front entrance
8. Adjournment: CLOSED
Recorded by Cyndie