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Jan 2025 Meeting Minutes

Drew Trausch • January 22, 2025

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To Board Members,

Meeting called to order at 4:00 p.m. on 18 January 2025

Members in attendance Drew, Edger, Jeff, Bob. Aaron (Was out of town)

First items to Discurred were the different board positions within the HOA board members.
+ Bob, recommended to stay as the Treasure for the HOA board. My recommendation would be for Drew to be the HOA board President, Edger to stay as the HOA Vice President and Jeff to work with Cindy and Drew on the Secretary position. The last new board member Aaron with support as a floater on things then needs assistance and help on.
+ Edger, Drew, and Jeff agreed to accept the different positions.
+ All the board members in attendance Voted and Approved for the positions as listed.
++ President Drew, Vice President Edger, Bob Treasurer, and Jeff Secretary. Aaron was absent.

Second Item discussed was a Contract with Community Firm for 2025 year.
+ Drew had done some review with other HOA property management companies and found the rate was 350 to 500 per house which it would be greatly higher then the current HOA management company.
+ All the board members in attendance Voted to keep the current HOA management company.
+ Bob, recommended to pay the Community Firm the full balance of $50.00 per house which came to a total of $2400.0 in one lump sum.
+ All the board members in attendance Voted and Approved to have the Community Firm paid in one lump payment of $2400.00 for the 2025 time frame.

Third item to review the current HOA ByLaws and Covenants to see what we can reduce to reduce different infractions of issues.
+ Bob, will send out a copy of the signed HOA ByLaws and Covenants by End of January to give each board member time to review and see what can be reduced.
+ Bob, tasked to get with the Community Firm and find out the percentage of members to make changes to each of those documents.
+ Once Bob has sent out the two documents (ByLaws and Covenants) and the percentage to change the different documents it will give Board members until the end of February to review them.

Fourth item to review budget and see how we as a HOA board reduce annual dues for 2025.
+ Currently our HOA fee is $240.00 annual and would like to reduce it to $200.00 for 2025.
+ Things discussed was the current balance of HOA is plus $19000.00 between both bank accounts.
+ After the HOA board reviewed last year's budget on things we did and did not use, it was agreed upon to reduce the annual fees per house from $240 to $200.
+ All the board members in attendance Voted and Approved to reduce the current HOA fee per house to $200.00 for 2025 and will review the new budget in March.
+ Bob, will notify the Community Firm to send out the New annual dues per house within the HOA members.

List of items that need to communicate with the Community Firm.
+ Bob, Review the detailed information with the community firm and what the contract needs for Drew and Bob to sign the 2025 contract.
+ Bob, sent the final contract to Drew for signature.
+ Bob, Item #2, will be sent to the community firm for a new annual fee to each member within the HOA. The payment method that was used last year with late fees will also be listed.

Other items will be discussed at future HOA board meetings. 

Edger asked if the board members in attendance had other things to discuss and if not can we call the meeting adjourned.

Drew said the HOA board meeting is Adjourned at 6:00 p.m.

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