1. Call to order
2. Roll call and quorum determination
3. Approval of agenda
Approved by all
4. Reading of Minutes from prior board meeting
Approved by all
5. Report of Officers and Committees
1. Treasurer's Report
Review of balance
Review of bills
Review if dues
ACTION: 7101 RM (David) wanted verification his dues was paid
2. Architectural Committee
4 applications
Review of how committe is structured
3. Projects and Maintenance Committee
No update
4. Social Committee
No updates
6. Old Business
1. Actions item review
#1 - closed
done, pending plan for street light install at annual meetings.
#3 - written and sent to directors.
#4 - complete
#5 - closed
2. Covenants Revision
Tim will need to post certified results for bylaws
3. New Business
1. HOA Board Mission Statement
How do we create a guiding document that helps the board with direction.
Review of mission statement drafted last year. Community wide standard.
Proposed to have a discussion at annual meeting to create a new mission statement
ACTION: Everyone will review the draft statement and attempt to improve on it
2. Proposed new business
8. Adjournment
motion by Jessica
second by KAtie