Location: 7224 Ridge Manor Lane, Shop Building.
1. Call to order
2. Roll call and quorum determination
3. Approval of agenda
4. Reading of Minutes from prior board meeting
5. Report of Officers and Committees
1. Treasurer's Report
Report of balance
Report of expenses
Dues Report
Discussion about transaction fees
Questions about continence fee (mailing fee) and Processing fee (paypal fee) on treasures report
2. Architectural Committee
No update
3. Projects and Maintenance Committee
Rowdy lawns, sprinkler issues resolved
May need another layer of weed blocker
Suggested was made about putting a flagpole
Bob is waiting for cooler weather to fix sign
Concern about damage to sprinklers due to weekend party
4. Social Committee
September 13, neighborhood event
Fire fighters, and police
Fuego Tacos will be in the neighborhood
Invite city council
6. Old Business
1. Actions item review
Tim, Save the date closed
Libby, Annual Meeting Scheduled
Jessica, No soliciting sign can be placed in front yard,
Road repair update, Libby, remains open as the city has not provided a written response regarding the road repair to the west side of Ridge Manor.
2. Annual Meeting
Board Voted for a backup meeting date of October 4, 2022 in case the first meeting does not meet quorum
Proposed Agenda
Call to order
Roll call
Certification of Proxy
Financial Report
Committee reports
Streetlights Discussion
[Post Meeting add] Presentation of options and costs for recording and storage of monthly Board meetings
Covenant Revision Voting
Unanimous vote that homeowners that are not paid in full for dues shall not be allowed to participate in future votes. Allowance is made for homeowners with less than $10 balance to continue to vote.
3. Covenants Revision
Article 1,
2.03(A), allow for height to out building to be height of home.
2.03(C), changing wording to be like the mailbox section
2.04, discussed 8 foot fencing
Discussion regarding the Article II sub bullet (B).
Add definitions
2.01(H) – Add gravel as not allowed
2.02(A) – contradicts 2.06(C)
Animals other than household pets the ACC will approve containments and materials
2.08 – move policy documents defining what is acceptable to restrictions
3.02, add …waived with approval by the ACC.
3.02(C), by residence
3.02(D), policy and procedures
No street parking by residence and adopt procedures and policies
4.01(A) clarify that (1) is for common areas
4.02(C) can the board sell off common property without a neighborhood approval? (D) covers the common areas. (c) covers property of the HOA such as the HOA signs.
4.05, remove declarant language
6.01, change type of sign to material and size
7.02, add a requirement for completion within 1 year
7.01, in the event there is no committee then the board acts as the committee.
7.02(B), clarify if Board is required
Language of variances (3.07 and 3.08)
3. New Business
1. HOA Board Mission Statement
2. Proposed new business